Sweet Sister. . .

Dear Veronica,
Today you will get on a plane to London, and walk a winding path across the globe. Your travels will lead you down ancient walkways, and over babbling rivers whispering tales from the past. They will all remember you, and call out to you as you pass by them, for within your body, you carry the spirit of a divine Goddess of Old. The people who meet you will see your light, and be touched by the love that you offer to them. The oceans will roar in greeting to you, and the trees will bow in reverence as you pass beneath them. And I will keep the home fires burning for you my love. I am so proud of you, and the dreams that you are bringing through to the waking world. I remember the promise that is already being fulfilled. . . and so today I am not so sad to see you go. Today you fly into the sky to meet destiny. When you come back to me the dreams will be even stronger than before, and the spirits will speak even louder. The world is waiting. Go give it to them.
For all time, in all worlds,
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