
"There is nothing in a caterpillar that tells you it's going to be a butterfly"
-Buckminster Fuller

These are the first official images from 'Dreams of The Last Butterflies,' a film by Zina Brown & Thousand Names Productions that I will have the honor of writing the musical score, and performing in this summer. I will join 7 other 'Butterfly Queens' to tell the tale of the loss of butterflies in our world, and why they are disappearing in this mini-epic, live-action “Dark Faerie Tale” with a unique vision, full of wonder, dreams, and otherworldly performers that will be shot in 3D. Check out the blog Thousand Names has started abut the film to see sketches, pictures, and track the progress as we count down to the release later this year.

As winter winds away, parts of my spirit are emerging from deep within the cocoon of time as well. As I take time away from parties, shows, and promotion, the music of my heart is being born out of long moments of solitude and surrender. Writing my first full length album, I have been blessed by the muse as I go deep down into myself to bring back jewels from the depths. You can read about my journey here on my new Tumblr blog called 'Night Vision.' It is an online 'dream journal' where I will chronicle my experience of writing, and also a place for images, and past journal entries from blank books that I have been filling since I was a young girl. I hope you will join me in this other little innerspace portal to swirl around inside my dreams with me.