Music Video/Short Film Magick

I want to thank the fantastic production team that came together to shoot and create everything in one day. From cameras & lighting to the huge hair & make up team, we all got along like a happy family, and actually wrapped on time! I can't wait to share this latest creation with the world. I feel like I say this all the time, but the artists in my life really are the best in the world. You are the reason that I moved to NYC. You remind me everyday that I am totally living the dream.
Ali Luminescent: Earth

Anya Sapozhnikova: Air

Nicotine: Ice

Coming Soon: Mystic Charms are here! Next week you will be able to purchase mermaid and faerie bling created by the ever sparkling Sarah Sparkles in the Sunken Treasure section of this site.
Also, don't forget about my show next Friday, April 16th @ The Red Lotus Room. I'll be performing with Vivi & Angelys as well as a new line up of musicians for the evening. Can't wait to see you there. . .